Assistant Prof.

Assistant Prof.
Assistant Lecturer Positions at University College Dublin

Assistant Lecturer Positions at University College Dublin

Dear Colleagues, We have a number of Assistant Professor positions available at our University, including 10 in my College of Science and 9 in the College of Engineering and 12 in the College of Health and Agriculture Sciences. Could you kindly circulate these job advertisements across your networks? Ad Astra Webpage (all posts): Specific Ad...
Ass. Prof. permanent position in electro-optical characterization of materials and devices at Institut FOTON (France)

Ass. Prof. permanent position in electro-optical characterization of materials and devices at Institut FOTON (France)

Dear colleagues, Here you will find the advertisement for an Associate Professor permanent position available in september 2024 at Institut FOTON – INSA Rennes, France. The research profile is around the electro-optical characterization of photonic and hybrid energy devices, in the general framework of the large national and international projects leaded by the Institut FOTON...
Open position for Assistant professor at Institute of Electronics and Systems (IES) France

Open position for Assistant professor at Institute of Electronics and Systems (IES) France

Dear Colleagues, An assistant professor position is open at the Institute of Electronics and Systems (IES) / Montpellier – France. Research project: The NanoMIR team has recently been awarded the Equipex+ HYBAT within the national call of the PIA3. The main objective of HYBAT is to hybridize antimonide technology with other technologies to integrate different...
Available permanent position as Associate Professor in “III-V Semiconductor Quantum Device Technology” at NTNU, Norway

Available permanent position as Associate Professor in “III-V Semiconductor Quantum Device Technology” at NTNU, Norway

I would like to inform you about a new opening for a permanent position as an Associate Professor in “III-V Semiconductor Quantum Device Technology” at our Department of Electronic Systems (IES) at NTNU. The application deadline is March 29, 2023. We are looking for someone who can contribute to and expand the ongoing research in...
Ass. Prof. permanent position in epitaxy at Institut FOTON (France): Last reminder

Ass. Prof. permanent position in epitaxy at Institut FOTON (France): Last reminder

Dear colleagues, You will find the advertisement for an Ass. Professor permanent position available in september 2023 at Institut FOTON (Rennes, France) available for downoad bellow. As a reminder, Application deadline is March 30, 2023, but the website for applications submission will be opened soon. Applicants are now encouraged to contact us as soon as...
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