Open position for Assistant professor at Institute of Electronics and Systems (IES) France

Open position for Assistant professor at Institute of Electronics and Systems (IES) France

Dear Colleagues,

An assistant professor position is open at the Institute of Electronics and Systems (IES) / Montpellier – France.

Research project: The NanoMIR team has recently been awarded the Equipex+ HYBAT within the national call of the PIA3. The main objective of HYBAT is to hybridize antimonide technology with other technologies to integrate different functions on the same device or circuit. A specially designed growth system with the company RIBER is being acquired to explore disruptive concepts to imagine the next generation of nanostructures based devices for the wavelength ranges from THz to near infrared. Composed of three dedicated growth chambers, the new struct ure will allow the preparation of Si/Ge substrates, the growth of III V heterostructures based on antimonides and/or the growth of more exotic materials such as alloys including column VI elements (S, Se, Te), Bi, Fe, etc… The main objective of HYBAT is to explore new research areas such as topological insulators, thermoelectric materials, phase change materials, ferroelectrics, ferromagnets, as well as 2D materials.

More information here (English version at the bottom of the document) or contact