
COST OPERA ITC Conference Grants for the year 2024

COST OPERA ITC Conference Grants for the year 2024

Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the opening of the COST OPERA ITC Conference Grants for the year 2024. Interested researchers should follow this guide. An important information is that an open call procedure is used for the ITC Conference Grant applications. This means that applications can be submitted any time, but 45 days...
Open position “Synthesis and morphological, structural, and physical characterization of low-Tc superconducting materials

Open position "Synthesis and morphological, structural, and physical characterization of low-Tc superconducting materials

Dear Colleagues, We are opening a temporary position of 12 months at the CNR-SPIN institute of Genoa. The topic of the research activity is: Synthesis and morphological, structural, and physical characterization of low-Tc superconducting materials. Required qualification and experience: For details you may visit the application portal here. The complete call is available at the...
Post-doctoral position available at the joined IMEM-DIFI lab in Genova

Post-doctoral position available at the joined IMEM-DIFI lab in Genova

Dear colleagues, A post-doctoral positions is open at the joined IMEM-DIFI laboratory in Genova at Istituto dei Materiali per l’Elettronica e il Magnetismo (IMEM-CNR) in Genova. Duration: 12 months (extendable to 24 months) Topic: Growth and characterization of bi-metallic nanoclusters for catalytic biomass upgrade. Please see this file for more details. Interested candidates are welcome...
Ass. Prof. permanent position in electro-optical characterization of materials and devices at Institut FOTON (France)

Ass. Prof. permanent position in electro-optical characterization of materials and devices at Institut FOTON (France)

Dear colleagues, Here you will find the advertisement for an Associate Professor permanent position available in september 2024 at Institut FOTON – INSA Rennes, France. The research profile is around the electro-optical characterization of photonic and hybrid energy devices, in the general framework of the large national and international projects leaded by the Institut FOTON...
Post-doc position available in Paris/Marseille – France

Post-doc position available in Paris/Marseille - France

Dear Colleagues, A post-doctorate position is available in Paris/Marseille (INSP/IM2NP) on the theme: “Theoretical condensed matter: crystal growth on patterned substrates”.  The job description is here. Please circulate this information to any young researchers who may be interested.
9th Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions

9th Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions

Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to inform you that the 9th Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) funded by the COST action European Network for Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy (CA20116 – OPERA) is open for submissions. The 9th call will fund STSMs taking place from 15 July to 1 October 2024. The deadline for the...
PhD Position “Gradient bandgap engineering in oxide perovskites for use in tandem solar cells”

PhD Position "Gradient bandgap engineering in oxide perovskites for use in tandem solar cells"

Dear Colleagues,  There is an open Ph.D. position available in the subproject “Gradient bandgap engineering in oxide perovskites for use in tandem solar cells” as part of the ‘FuturePV’ „Grundlagen für Photovoltaik-Technologien der Zukunft“  – Graduiertenkolleg – Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture. This project will be implemented within the groups of Prof. Jasnamol Palakkal and Prof. Christian Jooss...
European Workshop on Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy – Vilnius, Lithuania

European Workshop on Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy - Vilnius, Lithuania

Date: 11 June to 
14 June, 2024
View Map Accommodation Public transport Program Flyer Booklet MS Teams Venue Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Saulėtekio av. 3, Vilnius 10257 Dear Colleagues, The OPERA Team, with Renata Butkuté from Vilnius (Lithuania), is delighted to announce the next OPERA workshop. European Workshop on Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy – 11-14 June 2024 – Vilnius, Lithuania...
Open Postdoc position in Advanced characterization of ultrathin inorganic materials with X-ray fluorescence

Open Postdoc position in Advanced characterization of ultrathin inorganic materials with X-ray fluorescence

Dear colleagues, We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc candidate with a good CV and knowledge in materials science, especially in the fields of nanocharacterization, material science, and nanotechnology to carry out a potdoc in the: “Advanced characterization of ultrathin inorganic materials with X-ray fluorescence “. All the details of the postdoc offer are included here....
PhD position at GEMAC, France, “Epitaxy and remote epitaxy of II-VI semiconductors

PhD position at GEMAC, France, "Epitaxy and remote epitaxy of II-VI semiconductors

Dear colleagues, A PhD position is open at GEMAC (CNRS, Versailles University, Paris-Saclay University) in France. Topic: “Epitaxy and remote epitaxy of ZnS and Zn1-xCdxS thin films with wurtzite crystal phase”. More info here.
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