Young Research Investigators

Young Research Investigators

The OPERA YRI Platform aims to help young researchers to build their network & to consider Europe as their daily research workspace

Short Term Scientific Mission

Take the opportunity to practice science in another country!

OPERA is funding this unique experience!

3 calls/year
OPERA Workshops

Present your research and increase your knowledges.

OPERA can finance your participation!

Workshops organize each year
OPERA Training Schools

Increase or complete your knowledges.

OPERA can finance you!

Training School organize each year
ITC Conference Grants

You come from ITC and you plan to participate to a workshop or conference!

OPERA is funding your registration and travel!

PhD/Postdoc project – Job opportunities

Be the first to know about new thesis, post-doc and job opportunities in link with epitaxy.

Regularly published offers by OPERA
OPERA Student Event

During OPERA Events, Meet others young researchers from OPERA.

And increase your personal network!

See our Past Events

Past Events

Student opportunity – Academic/Industrial Event 2023
Palaiseau, France

Student Poster session – Training School 2023 – Characterization techniques for epitaxial materials – Aveiro, Potugal

Student Awards – E-MRS Session H OPERA 2022 – Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy – Warsaw, Poland

Student Event – E-MRS Session H OPERA 2022 – Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy – Warsaw, Poland

Student Poster session – Training School 2022 – Modern direction in Epitaxy – Copenhagen, Denmark