
International Conference on Advanced Materials

International Conference on Advanced Materials

Date: 15 July to 
18 July, 2024
Dear Colleagues, I would like to invite you to attend the International Conference on Advanced Materials, to be held in Bucharest between 15 and 18 of July 2024 (see https://rocam.fizica.unibuc.ro/ROCAM/Main.php). Two Nobel Prize Laureates will open the conference. You are welcome to submit abstracts and register for this event. We are aware that NanoSEA is...
Postdoctoral fellow position – Warsaw University of Technology

Postdoctoral fellow position - Warsaw University of Technology

Dear Colleagues, One-year (plus one year) postdoctoral fellow position is open in the Nanostructures Group at Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology, starting on 1st April 2024. The research project deals with the “Develpmment of two-dimensional (2D) materials via MOCVD technology” financed by Excellence Initiative – Research University Programme POSTDOC IV. More details here....
NanoSEA2024 – 16-19 July2024 | Marseille, France

NanoSEA2024 - 16-19 July2024 | Marseille, France

Date: 16 July to 
19 July, 2024
Dear Colleagues, We would like to welcome you to the International Conference on NANOstructures and nanomaterials SElf-Assembly 2024 (NanoSEA 2024) in Marseille, France. It is the 8thedition of a conference series held every two years either at the french or italian seaside. NanoSEA began in Aix-en-Provence (France) in 2006, making this event a significant moment...
Position at IMB-CNM, Barcelona – Spain

Position at IMB-CNM, Barcelona - Spain

Dear colleagues, We are seeking for a Postdoctoral or Qualified Researcher who would involve in QUTE project, on the development of superconducting thin film by advanced methods. Details of the post here. For additional queries and candidatures, please contact Dr. Gemma Rius
Postdoc position in 2D spintronics team of Spintec (Grenoble/France)

Postdoc position in 2D spintronics team of Spintec (Grenoble/France)

Dear Colleagues, A 3-years postdoc position is open in 2D spintronics team of Spintec (Grenoble – France). The candidate will explore new 2D materials and vdW heterostructures with high spin-orbit coupling interfaced with ferromagnets (either transition metals or 2D ferromagnets). In parallel, the candidate will have in charge the MBE growth of a large variety...
PhD project at Montpellier University – France

PhD project at Montpellier University - France

Dear Colleagues, A PhD position is open at the Montpellier University in France to explore the co-integration of antimonide devices (lasers and photodetectors) grown directly on silicon with chalcogenide IR photonic circuits. PhD period: October-2024 to September 2027 More details can be found here.
Postdoc position at GREYC (France) : Electrical characterisation of resonant MEMS based on La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 and PZT thin films

Postdoc position at GREYC (France) : Electrical characterisation of resonant MEMS based on La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 and PZT thin films

Dear colleagues, A 18 months post-doc position is open at GREYC in Caen: Electrical characterisation of resonant MEMS based on La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 and PZT thin films Application deadline: February 9, 2024 Description and information here. Know more
Permanent Position – CEA/IRIG/France – Ultra Wide Bandgap semiconductors

Permanent Position - CEA/IRIG/France - Ultra Wide Bandgap semiconductors

Dear all, A permanent position is opened at CEA in Grenoble (France) : on ultra-Wide bandgap semiconductors (oxydes / nitrides). More details here and/or contact: Eva Monroy | Edith Bellet-Amalric
PhD and Postdoctoral positions at the University of Duisburg-Essen: Ab inito modelling of oxide interfaces

PhD and Postdoctoral positions at the University of Duisburg-Essen: Ab inito modelling of oxide interfaces

Dear colleagues, I am glad to announce a PhD and a Postdoctoral positions at the University of Duisburg Essen in ab initio modelling of novel phenomena at oxide interfaces: A PhD and aPostdoctoral position are available at the Department of Physics, U Duisburg-Essen in the group of Prof. Dr. Rossitza Pentcheva in the area of...
Postdoc position at C2N-France: Development of a new generation of LEDs on low-cost substrates

Postdoc position at C2N-France: Development of a new generation of LEDs on low-cost substrates

Dear Colleagues, A postdoc position is open at the Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, a CNRS/Paris-Saclay University lab, for a duration of 12 months. The Postdoc will participate in the development of a new generation of LEDs on low-cost substrates. This work will be carried out as part of a collaboration with a startup. The...
Postdoc position at the Paul-Drude-Institute: Epitaxial growth of the 2D Ferromagnetic Materials and Heterostructures

Postdoc position at the Paul-Drude-Institute: Epitaxial growth of the 2D Ferromagnetic Materials and Heterostructures

Dear Colleagues, A Postdoc position is open at the Paul-Drude-Institute: Epitaxial growth of the 2D Ferromagnetic Materials and Heterostructures. Application deadline is January 14th. Detailed information can be found here.
Permanent position at CNRS-France “Epitaxy of semiconductors, topological materials, and associated heterostructures”

Permanent position at CNRS-France “Epitaxy of semiconductors, topological materials, and associated heterostructures”

Dear collegues, A permanent Researcher position is open at the CNRS (France) in section 03 (Condensed matter, electronic structures and properties). The subject is “Epitaxy of semiconductors, topological materials, and associated heterostructures” whose research project will be part of one of the following units: Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (C2N) in Palaiseau, Center for Research...
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