Dear Colleagues,
One-year (plus one year) postdoctoral fellow position is open in the Nanostructures Group at Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology, starting on 1st April 2024.
The research project deals with the “Develpmment of two-dimensional (2D) materials via MOCVD technology” financed by Excellence Initiative – Research University Programme POSTDOC IV.
More details here.
To apply, please send an email to, no later than 1 March 2024. The application should include:
- a scanned copy of the candidate’s Ph.D. diploma,
- a cover letter, explaining reasons for applying for this position,
- a CV,
- a list of publications and presentations at international conferences – please indicate your contribution in each of the papers,
- names of at least two experts that could provide reference letters for the candidate
Selected candidates will be invited for an online interview. The successful candidate will be informed about the evaluation outcome by 15 March 2024.