Summary of STSM program during first grant period

Summary of STSM program during first grant period

During the first grant period, there were 3 STSM calls. The STSM program received 22 applications in total. The number of granted applications was 19. Among grantees: 52.6% were women, 52.6% came from ITC countries, and 89.5% were young researchers (less than 40 years old). The average STSM duration was 25 days and the mean grantee’s age was 31 years. 

The total budget devoted to the STSM program was slightly above 34.000 €. So far, research centres and universities have participated as home and host institutions from 11 and 9 different countries, respectively [Home institution countries: Spain (4), Poland (3), Portugal (3), France (2), Croatia (1), Denmark (1), Italy (1), Romania (1), Serbia (1), The Netherlands (1) and Turkey (1)] [Host institution countries: France (5), Germany (4), Spain (3), UK (2), Belgium (1), Denmark (1), Finland (1), Hungary (1) and Poland (1)]. Consequently, 16 different countries have actively participated in OPERA’s STSM program.

The list of the STSM granted during the first grant period can be downloaded here.

Home institution countries

Host institution countries