Jonas Johansson

MC Member
Lund University
Country: Sweden
Biography: Jonas Johansson is a Professor at the Division of Solid State Physics and NanoLund at Lund University in Sweden, where he also received his M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering in 1996 and his Ph.D. degree in Solid State Physics in 2000. During 2003 he worked as a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. In the beginning of 2004 he returned to Lund University and started his research on nanowires. His research is focused on modeling various aspects of the formation of nanowires. He was the first to apply two component nucleation theory to vapor-liquid-solid growth in order to understand the composition of ternary nanowires, such as InGaAs. During the last years, he has built up a strong track record in the field of composition control and understanding of ternary nanowires. Recently he has also investigated the compositional homogeneity of the catalyst particle during vapor-liquid-solid growth as well as modeled impurity doping during this kind of growth. Other research interests include thermodynamic assessments of materials promising for nanowire synthesis and thermodynamics of small systems in general. He teaches thermodynamics and epitaxy and is director for the Engineering Nanoscience educational program at Lund University. He has several invited talks and he has organized many international conferences and workshops.