Postdoctoral Fellow in Fabrication and Characterization of Semiconductor

Postdoctoral Fellow in Fabrication and Characterization of Semiconductor

A 3-year postdoctoral fellowship position is available at the Department of Electronic Systems (IES) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The position will be in the “III-V semiconductor nano-device” research group at IES.

The postdoctoral position is connected to the project “Ultraviolet nanowire/graphene laser (UV-nanolaser)” funded by the Research Council of Norway and NTNU. The objective of the project is to develop semiconductor laser diodes based on positioned AlGaN nanowires grown by MBE on a graphene hole-mask. The final laser device will operate in the germicidal ultraviolet UVC spectral range (<280 nm).

The postdoctoral fellow will work on the fabrication, optical and structural characterization of the nanolasers. The optical studies will be performed using micro-photoluminescence spectroscopy at the Nanophotonics lab at IES (including a ps/fs pulsed Ti:Saph laser and doubler&tripler). The apparatus allows for room and low temperature measurements of single nanowires and nanowire arrays.  For the device fabrication, optimised AlGaN nanowire arrays grown by molecular beam epitaxy will be processed using different tools available at the NTNU NanoLab cleanroom facility, including electron beam and photo-lithography. Fabricated nano laser devices will be examined using different electro-optical probe stations.

The position requires a PhD degree in physics, nanotechnology or similar disciplines. The candidate must have documented experience from fabrication and characterization of heterostructured semiconductor nanostructures (e.g. nanowires, quantum dots). The preferred selection criteria are:

  • experience in III-V semiconductor device processing in clean room
  • experience in UV spectroscopy of semiconductor nanostructures
  • experience in III-V semiconductor epitaxial growth

For the full advertisement of the position please refer to this link.

The application deadline is April 17, 2023.