Two post-doctoral positions will open soon at the joined IMEM-DIFI laboratory in Genova:
1) Research grant / post-doctoral position available at the Physics Department of Physics of Università degli Studi di Genova.
Duration: 12 months (extendable to 24 months)
Topic: Growth and characterization of supported ultra-small metal clusters for catalytic reactions.
2) Research grant / post-doctoral position available at Istituto dei Materiali per l’Elettronica e il Magnetismo (IMEM-CNR) in Genova.
Duration: 12 months (extendable to 24 months)
Topic: Growth and characterization of bi-metallic nanoclusters for catalytic biomass upgrade.
Interested candidates are welcome to contact Dr. Letizia Savio ( and Prof. Mario Rocca ( for further information.