Open postdoc position in the advanced characterisation of oxygen electrodes for high-temperature solid oxide electrochemical cells

Open postdoc position in the advanced characterisation of oxygen electrodes for high-temperature solid oxide electrochemical cells

Dear colleagues,

We are looking for a highly-motivated postdoctoral researcher to lead the research activity on the Advanced characterisation of the structural and functional properties of oxygen electrodes for high-temperature solid oxide electrochemical cells.

This project will be a collaboration between LMGP and LEPMI laboratories. The complementary expertise of scientists from both laboratories will be brought together in this project, offering the postdoctoral researcher a unique and comprehensive set of skills.

Within the LMGP, Materials and Physical Engineering Laboratory, the candidate will work in the Nanoionics group under the supervision of Dr Mónica Burriel. Within the LEPMI, Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Physical-Chemistry of Materials and Interfaces, the candidate will work in the MIEL group, in particular in its Raman platform under the supervision of Dr Michel Mermoux.

All the details of the postdoc offer are included here.

For further information please contact:

Michel Mermoux (LEPMI):

Application procedure:

Please send ASAP your motivation letter, CV, list of publications and contact details of two referees to:

Closing date for applications: 29/01/2025

It would be great if you could disseminate this information among your colleagues and students.