PhD position in Optoélectronique Hétéroépitaxie et Matériaux (OHM) INSA Rennes and Uni of Rennes, Rennes (France)

PhD position in Optoélectronique Hétéroépitaxie et Matériaux (OHM) INSA Rennes and Uni of Rennes, Rennes (France)

Dear All,

A PhD Thesis on “Elaboration of InP and related nanostructures on Si for solar hydrogen production and quantum photonics” funded by CDO Grant from Univ Rennes is available (starting 1st October).

This thesis will focus on the growth and processing of InP and related materials and nanostructures on Si photo-electrochemical cells for solar hydrogen production and quantum photonics. The structures will be grown by molecular beam epitaxy and studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), Photoluminescence (PL), and as photoelectrodes to be used as photo-electrochemical cells for energy production.

We look for a highly motovated student with a good background in materials sciences and solid state physivs and a strong interest in experimental activity.

More info here.

Please send your application by e-mail to: and/or