4-year PhD position at the Insitute of Molecular Science, University of Valencia

4-year PhD position at the Insitute of Molecular Science, University of Valencia

Dear colleagues,

The Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol) is one of the leading centers of multidisciplinary research in Spain, and is recognized by the Spanish Research Agency as a Maria de Maeztu Unit of Excellence.  In the framework of a Spanish Coordinated Project “Generación de Conocimiento” (together with ALBA / ICFO) we are offering a 4-year PhD position on the following topic:

Epitaxial growth and nanoscale engineering of 2D easy-plane magnets

The candidate will synthesize homogeneous monolayers of 2D materials by means of molecular beam epitaxy and correlate the atomic and electronic structure of the 2D layers with the resulting magnetic anisotropy landscape. The PhD candidate is expected to perform research stays at our project partners facilities (Synchrotron ALBA / Institute of Photonic Sciences- ICFO Barcelona) to characterize the 2D magnets with state-of-the-art synchrotron methods and scanning tunneling microscopy.

Application deadline: 3rd November 2024

Applications should be sent to Amilcar.Bedoya@uv.es and Rosa.Cordoba@uv.es with the subject “PhD position application”, and a single .pdf file as attachment with two sections: (1) a motivation letter and (2) a CV.

More info here.