Call for Highlights 2024

Call for Highlights 2024

Dear Colleagues,

the end of 2024 is almost there. This year again, the COST action OPERA proposes to highlight the researches dealing with epitaxy in Europe and neighboring countries, through the dissemination of a document providing the list of publications, proceedings & patents (dealing with epitaxy, using epitaxy for devices, or implementing characterization/modeling tools for epitaxial materials) of the different laboratories/companies involved in the COST Network.

If you want to participate, the detailed procedure (similar to the one used last year) is explained below. Some of you contacted me last year after the deadline to mention their papers published in 2022 or 2023. It is not too late. Together with the elaboration of Highlights 2024, an update of highlights 2022&2023 (see the link below) will be also proposed. Please do not hesitate to send me missing works in 2022 or 2023.

2022 & 2023 highlights:


Such a document will be widely broadcasted in all the Labs/companies involved in the COST action at the end of February, and updated each year, with the opportunity for the laboratories/companies to communicate on their researches, and for the researchers/engineers to update their knowledge about recent works in the European community of epitaxy, and get some new ideas about networking opportunities.

Feedbacks requested from you

We prepared a template to be filled for each work published or patented in 2024 you want to highlight (see the document attached, with two examples of the template already filled). We tried to minimize the efforts for the researchers, so that with simple copy/past and few information selection, filling the template should not recquire more than 5 minutes per article.  Please send it back to me ( before the 31st of January 2025.

Who can contribute?

Every Lab/Company receiving emails from this mailing list, and in general any Lab/Company from a country involved in the COST action, can contribute to the highlights 2024.

What can be advertized?

Any work published or patended in 2024 and in relationship with the scope of the COST Action OPERA (i.e. epitaxy) can be included in the document, provided it has a digital identifier (e.g. through DOI or patent number), even if none of the authors were financially supported by the COST. Every article in every specialized journal is welcome as soon as it is of interest for the epitaxial community. Although the idea is not to make a selection of the different contributions, the final document will be rapidly reviewed by COST leaders, so that we ensure that every contribution fits within the scope of OPERA.