First OPERA STSM online Workshop

First OPERA STSM online Workshop

First Short-Term Scientific Mission Workshop on Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy

Sergio (OPERA STSM Leader) with 6 STSM grantees presenting their experience and results

Few shared slides well illustrating the heart of the OPERA STSM Objectives:

  • Fostering collaborations and creating synergies between different countries,
  • Enhancing knowledge creation and transfer

OPERA COST Action is supporting Short-Term Scientific Missions to give the opportunity to a Researcher or Innovator to carry out a specific scientific task in a host organization for a well-defined period of time.

Up to now, OPERA has funded more than 40 Researchers/Innovators.

View Program

On April 18, 2024, at 2:30 pm (Spain Time), the first online STSM workshop is taking place.

5 STSM grantees are presenting their results (15 minutes for presentation and questions).

Do not hesitate to connect this STSM workshop!

Best regards,
The STSM Team and OPERA COST Chair

Join via Microsoft Teams here.
Meeting Id.: 349 114 289 022
Acess code: 7sadzh