
Online workshop on PLD growth

Online workshop on PLD growth

Date: 10 July to 
10 July, 2024
Dear colleagues, On July 10, CNR-SPIN will organize an online workshop named: Growth of epitaxial thin films and multilayers by pulsed laser deposition, with real-time and in-situ monitoring of the process and post-deposition analyses. The program is reported here. All interested colleagues are welcome to participate here.
OPERA COST Action International Hybrid Training school

OPERA COST Action International Hybrid Training school

Date: 25 September to 
27 September, 2024
Physical Principles and Theory of Advanced Epitaxial Growth Methods and Devices  University of Cyprus, School of Engineering, Nicosia, Cyprus25 – 27 September 2024 Practical information for Training School Where?The Training School will take place between the 25 and 27 september at the Constantinos the Great Beach Hotel (seminar room) in Protaras, Cyprus.  Hotel Visit the...
PhD position in Optoélectronique Hétéroépitaxie et Matériaux (OHM) INSA Rennes and Uni of Rennes, Rennes (France)

PhD position in Optoélectronique Hétéroépitaxie et Matériaux (OHM) INSA Rennes and Uni of Rennes, Rennes (France)

Dear All, A PhD Thesis on “Elaboration of InP and related nanostructures on Si for solar hydrogen production and quantum photonics” funded by CDO Grant from Univ Rennes is available (starting 1st October). This thesis will focus on the growth and processing of InP and related materials and nanostructures on Si photo-electrochemical cells for solar...
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